The time is rapidly approaching when each and every individual will have to choose: God or godlessness. What will it be? Actually, as the Europeans are discovering, godlessness is no longer a choice. If Nature abhors a vacuum, so does Islam. No matter how civilized, open-minded and happy the Danes are, for the most part, they don't have God. So perhaps they will have Allah. And perhaps all of post-modernist, post-Christian Europe will have Allah. Either you are with the Christian God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) or you are against Him--there is no neutral ground.
The agnostic, or aetheistic Europeans are willing the cut the poor muslims a whole lot of slack--because
haven't the Christians and Jews been an offense to the muslims for centuries? When will the Europeans say "Enough!" Not until it is too late, I'm afraid.
I sat in an Episcopal Church not too long after 9/11 and listened to a visiting priest suggest we Americans should be asking ourselves what we did to bring this catastrophe upon ourselves.
Because surely we brought it on ourselves! I should have got up and walked out. But I sat there wondering why I was surprised. This is the way liberals think. So Europe will continue to look inward wondering what they could do to make the muslims feel more welcome. Maybe the individual EU governments could just issue a statement: Hey, we don't particularly like Christians or Jews either. But please don't burn any more cars or buildings. Pretty please............