Saturday, October 16, 2004

How the Mighty hath Fallen!

First it was Dan Rather, then Mark Halperin, and now Ted Koppel--I can hardly wait to see who's next. (Maybe Bill O'Reilly--but that's for another column.)
Ted Koppel really disappointed me, because I really thought he had some credibility. On his Nightlight program investigating what really happened in Viet Nam in the Kerry incident involving the lone loin-clothed youth , Koppel takes the word of a handlful of communist Vietnamese over 240 swiftvets. Fortunately, John O'Neill was on the program to rebut some of Koppel's assertions, but he had very little time to do so. Koppel's whole story was to reinforce the original Kerry tale of being under attack. But of course, Kerry changed his story later on. Someone should have told Koppel.
These newsgiants aren't just shooting themselves in the foot, but right between the eyes.