Saturday, October 16, 2004

The Beautiful

Liberalism is a failed religion. (There, I've said it. Oooops!)
Islam is a failed religion also, but you should probably keep that to yourself.
Remember the old "My Karma just ran over your Dogma" bumper sticker? Well, liberals have no defense against terrorists. Liberals choose to love them and commiserate with the Islamofascists' hatred of western civilization. After all, liberals hate western civilization too. Look at the misery that's been inflicted on the rest of the world by western culture.
Come to think of it, "culture" and "civilization" are ugly words to libs unless it's someone else's culture. As for "civilization", it's such a presumptuous word. One would have to be civil in order to take part in a civilization. No room for the noble savage.
What ever happened to flower power? Stick your daisy down the barrel of islamoterrorist and see what happens. Nothing very nice.
Why does the rest of the world hate us? To begin with, not everyone does. But if you eliminate ENVY from the equation, what are you left with? Godless countries hate us. And rightfully so. Because we are the manifestation: "America, America, God shed His grace on thee!" Do they hate me because I'm beautiful? Yes, yes, and yes. America the Beautiful.