Thursday, November 18, 2004

Condi, McCain, and Nicollette

It's taking me a while to get over this flu. I still have congestion in my chest. But I am very encouraged about several things in the news:

1) Condi Rice have been appointed to start cleaning house at the state department. She's a brilliant woman who is used to holding her ground. Maybe she won't be part of the old boys' network, but that's for the best. I was never convinced that Colin Powell was the kind to rattle anyone's cage. (I seem to be mixing metaphors here...)

2) It looks like the CIA is also going to have its clock cleaned. John McCain has risen in my estimation for accusing the agency of being Anti-Bush. Who was it in the CIA who told GWB that the fact the Iraq had WMD's was a "slam-dunk"? What if the US got into a war with Iraq due to faulty intelligence from the CIA?

3) The Nicollette Sheridan exposure on Monday Night Football has many people fuming. What this gets down to is that the mainstream media has decided that the average American voter is a bluenose Bible-thumper, and the MSM is just telling them that if they don't want this stuff on TV, well--tough! because they're going to get it stuffed down their throat anyway. All this does is create more conservatives. I have a theory about men: They want their sex and they want their football, but their minds are compartmentalized, and they don't want to mix the two. Especially when they are watching football with their sons, age 7 and 9.

4) I ordered a book by David Horowitz, Unholy Alliance . I hoping I will learn about the connection between the left and Islam.