Friday, November 19, 2004

A Gift from God

I think that love of Israel is a supernatural thing--a gift from God. Conversely, hatred of Israel is also a supernatural thing--a gift from the Enemy of God.

"By their fruits you shall know them." What are the fruits of Islam? Palestinian parents still sacrificing their children (to be suicide bombers) on the altar of fire to Baal and Moloch. What motivates these people? Hatred of the people of God, the people of the Book. (Perhaps also a check for $25,000 authorized in the past by such people as Yasser Arafat or Saddam Hussein for the families of Hamas-cide bombers.)

If anything Jews must consider, it is how we Christians love the people that God first loved and that God continues to love. We Christians have been grafted on the tree. You Jews were there to begin with.

I know I do not speak for us all, but I speak for a great many of us.