Monday, November 01, 2004

Why are Jews Liberals?

Israel has no greater friend today than the American evangelical Christian church. These people are also known as "born-agains". Whereas many of the mainline liberal churches (Presbyterian, for one) are denouncing Israel and embracing the Palestinian cause, the evangelicals truly support and pray for Israel.

It has never made sense to me that some if not most jews are liberals. Liberalism is a religion, and a failed religion at that. But what is worse, is how much the jews are hated by many liberal democrats. Anti-semitism is raising its ugly head all over Europe, and so many jews are just asking, like Rodney King, "can't we just all get along?" No, we can't just get along, because these anti-semitic people want first the jews (and then the Christians)dead.

Secular jews think that a G_d-less government works best. How wrong they are. Why is America so blessed? In the Old Testament God tells the jews that he will "bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you." George Bush knows those verses. There is also a promise in the New Testament that when the whole world has turned against tiny Israel then God will go into battle on their behalf. Hopefully at that time America will still be on Israel's side. But I rather fear they won't.